Replacement Windows in Bloomington MNIt is about that time where the weather begins to cool down. You remember, the part of the year where you are noticing more and more windows are beginning to lose their insulation and will need the old “clear plastic wrap window tricks”. Well, aside from the appearance factor, the wrapping of the window method is not a good idea. What happens is, with the window between the wrap there is a severe temperature difference. Making an ice cold glass window and warm plastic barrier, the window begins to “sweat”. The moisture or condensation will then go down into your window sill, causing problems in the frame itself or mold issues. Also, you’re not just losing your valuable time going around cutting, taping, heating, etc. You are wasting your money on essentially a “band-aid” fix on an open wound. Give us a call today at Tollefson Bros to speak with a Bloomington window replacement contractor!

Signs it is Time to Replace Your Windows

Having the ability to upgrade your windows is a happy time as a home owner! Knowing the signs of when to pull the trigger on replacement windows is crucial, though, not only weather wise but for your pocketbook. We don’t want your money being thrown out the window! Please, pay attention to these signs:

  • Glass Temperature- The glass itself is one indicator of where your windows are at in their lifetime. By placing your hand on the glass part of the window, if you feel heat when it’s summer and sunny, or cold when it’s winter time it means the glass insulation is out and it is time for new, energy-efficient windows.
  • Drafts- When walking by or sitting near a closed window if you get a rush of temperature change your windows are leaky. Leaky windows cause your HVAC system to need to kick on more frequently, as well as be uncomfortable.
  • Condensation- If there is condensation in your glass, trim panel, or window sill – that means the insulation is gone and it is time for upgraded windows in your home.
  • Rotten Wood- Old wood windows can sometimes rot. If you notice rotten black mold looking wood throughout your windows it is time for replacement windows to be put in. Just because it’s there, doesn’t mean it is working!

If you have any questions and/or would like an inspection by one of our top-qualified replacement window contractors here in Bloomington we can stop by for a hassle-free, professional estimate. Give us a call (952) 881-2218!

